Does My Business Need Social Media to Succeed?


Most marketing agencies would have received this question from a client at some point: “Is social media really a necessary part of my business’ marketing strategy?”

As a white label digital marketing agency, we’ve sure heard it plenty of times, but the answer is never as simple as it seems. 

One might think we’d be flaunting the need for social media at every opportunity – and it is generally necessary – but more often than not, the approach to social media is highly dependent on a client’s business and industry. 

Before you blaze away into the world of social media marketing, totally unhinged, Agency Stack has a few questions for you to consider. 

Once you’ve read this blog, we hope you’ll better understand how social media can help or hinder a marketing strategy. 

If you still have any lingering questions, make sure to reach out to us and clarify any points – we’re always happy to chat about social media marketing! 

Do You Have a Plan? 

Let’s answer one question with another: if you’re considering social media marketing for your client or business, do you have a plan? Do you have goals and outcomes in mind? Or, do you see social media as a magical fix of infinite audiences and rising revenue? 

For social media to prove successful in any context, a business needs to have a clear intent before proceeding. 

It’s no use haphazardly posting unhelpful content that doesn’t bring value for customers and doesn’t align with a brand’s key themes.

In fact, doing so could hurt your chance of success and annoy any potential customers you had following you. 

So, next time you’re wondering if social media is the way to go, ask yourself why you even think so. What will you achieve and what makes social media the most effective path to success?

Some brands may be more suited to traditional advertising platforms while the audience of others may not even be using social media (more on this later). 

Agency Stack’s team of social media experts have the experience to recognise when a brand will benefit from such a strategy. More than this, they can help you to put one in place. 

Do You Have the Resources?

Social media marketing is no joke. It takes hours of planning, strategising, creativity, and analysing to make the most of your online opportunities.

Without the time or personnel, your efforts will be in vain and your impression of social media will be unfairly tainted forever.

Before embarking on your Facebook foray, your Twitter travels, your… you get the point. Make sure all the pieces are in place and you are setting yourself for success. 

A dedicated team who can create, schedule and monitor your posts would be ideal. Just because social media marketing is largely free, doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve a healthy amount of attention to yield results. 

If you don’t have the personnel available, it may be worth setting aside one day per month to plan and create a month’s worth of content, allowing you to schedule posts and get back to running your business. 

But of course, social media is nothing without the “social” aspect. A strong strategy also includes community engagement through comment sections, direct messaging and interactive posts like polls. 

If you don’t have the time for this – let’s be serious, what business owner does? – it may be worth enlisting the help of a white label marketing agency like Agency Stack. 

Who’s Suited to Socials?

Not all industries are made equal. Some simply won’t benefit from social media as well as others. When you pitch social media services to your clients, consider their industry and what you can learn from the below. These three industries are particularly promising for social media marketers – all for their own reasons. 

B2C Retail

It’s broad, we know, but that only means a bigger win for your agency. So many kinds of businesses that fall under the B2C umbrella can benefit from social media because there are so many customers on social media!

As of 2022, there are almost 3 billion Facebook users, 2.2 billion Instagram users, and 1 billion TikTok users. All of which have been vastly used to improve global brands’ reach and community interaction. 


Any industry that evolves quickly and affects the way people live and work is sure to be a social sensation. 

The evolving tech industry is exciting and social media is a global meeting place to discuss and learn about society’s latest developments.

Tech companies can quickly and easily interact with their customers via social media as they explain product details, and troubleshoot common issues. Like we said, social media is as much about posting content as it is about two-way communication with your audience. 

B2B Manufacturing

The advantage of marketing where no one else does is you have an entire audience to yourself. 

People don’t often use social media to consume content from blue collar industries like manufacturing or construction, so these businesses don’t place much focus on such platforms. 

This presents an opportunity, however, to stand out in front of unsuspecting audiences. 

What we can take from this is there is always a reason to consider social media marketing – a changing world of digital nomads depends on it. 

Contact Agency Stack

Funnily enough, we’re on social media! It’s all thanks to our dedicated social media team and a handy crew of copywriters and graphic designers. 

Everything you consume by Agency Stack has been compiled by a team with the time and space to construct quality content. 

When you partner with us, that’s exactly what you can expect for your agency too. 

Get in touch if social media is the missing piece in your agency’s marketing toolkit.

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